Its been a busy month so far. I changed my job from activities to PRN cna on the hall and i absolutely love it...I get to spend more time with my "favorites" and i dont have someone following me around to see if i screw up so they can write me up. I have been busy stitching...of outlet for frustration is creating with the needle. I want to holler out a special thank you to T!! thank you for supporting my SSS addiction. and for all the nice things you do for me..i havent talked to you in a bit but i want you to know that i love you. Im blessed to have a friend like you!! the puppy is rotten. Piper is the ugliest thing you willever see..but she is so ugly shes cute! willow thinks she is her baby. LOU LOU found a new home. finally. Kyle had his awards ceremony this past week..he made all A-B honor roll for the whole year...and graduated from the DARE program..Im very proud of him. he is a smart little fart!!! Heather, believe it or not..(i honestly cant believe it) is exempt from her exams. she managed to get all As and Bs this semester and didnt miss any she doesnt have to take finals..shocked the snot right out of me!! Her next endevour (sp) is to try out for little jock!! Kyle is going to go to church camp this summer... he will be away for 4 days and 3nights. he is excited about going. lets seeeee...what else..not much going on here. just working alot. still dont have air conditioning..gotta see how much its going to cost to fix ours..hopefully not too darn much or we will be suffering for a while until its fixed...
My first project for this update was Sunshine day" by Heather Bolm..Using SSS of course....

my second is a biscournu i made for Bonnie for mothers was a kit that i had and decided to try...
Here is the top..

and the bottom....

Moms magnet finished

Im taking part in a SAL (stitch along for those non-stitchy people) on the Sanman Forum here is my progress...
This is the first part..the border Used (what else"?) SSS

and the second part...block one...

Third part is block 2

and my final stitchy thing for this update is SamSarah's Perle "Nevermore" I used Weeks dye works and added the moon button as an "extra"...

Hope everyone is doing well!! I love you!!
1 comment:
I was wondering what happened to you!!!! Busy over here!! Softball, church, swimming!!! School is almost out!! I can't believe it! This weekend we have a picnic with the church. Then Thursday I have a retreat that I will be gone for a few days. Then my parents come for a week. Then Brittany leaves for a week. Then we are on vacation for a few weeks. Then school starts again LOL!!! Anyway take care of yourself. Sounds like those kids are doing awesome!! Way to go mom!!!
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