Wednesday, August 15, 2007

One word answers...

I borrowed from Cyndi....You get to answer with one word.

1. Where is your Cellphone? - counter
2. Relationship? - married
3. Your Hair? - brown
4. Work? - boring
5. Your sister? - five
6. Your favorite thing? - HOME
7. Your dream last night? - work
8. Your favorite drink? - tea
9. Your dream car? - truck
10. The room you’re in? - office
11. Your shoes? - crocs
12. Your fears? - alone
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? - alive
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? - family
15. What are you not good at? - math
16. Muffin? - chocolate
17. One of your wish list items? - Week's
18. Where you grew up? - everywhere
19. Last thing you did? - filed
20. What are you wearing? - scrubs
21. What aren’t you wearing? - earings
22. Your pet? - dachsund
23. Your computer? - compaq
24. Your life? - predictable
25. Your mood? - relaxed
26. Missing? - England
27. What are you thinking about right now? - stitching
28. Your car? - Kia
29. Your kitchen? - BLUE!!
30. Your summer? - HOT
31. Your favorite color? - blue
32. Last time you laughed? - lunchtime
33. Last time you cried? - friday
34. School? - nope
35. Love? family


Velda said...

that was fun. Mine's up!

Jenna said...

Hi Mel, I came to your blog from Meari's and am interested in a couple of your items that are up for sale or swap. Please email me at jenna (at) magees (dot) net, if you are interested in trading. Thanks!