Monday, July 30, 2007

Yet another thrilling weekend...:)

Hi everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend. Mine was a bit busy Saturday I went and set up a booth at the fleamarket and ended up coming home with more crap than i went there with...The guy across the row from me decided to go home early and just gave me all his junk. sooo needless to say, I came home with more than i went with. but he gave me stuff i can put in a yard sale or on freecycle so it wasnt too bad. boxes of what nots and china, snowglobes and porcelain dolls-even an easy bake oven.(heather laid claim to it though) I did find a washer and a dryer 100 for the set! I was so excited.. they work too. I did some finishing this weekend-5 ornaments (i put pictures on my multiply site. I also stitched on my sampler and just about got it finished..ill post a picture is coming along nicely and will look nice when im finished with it. I also got a birthday card in the mail saturday thank you gayle! your such a sweetie! 35..yep ill be 35 tomorrow. doesn't seem possible. ugh. we cleaned the garage yesterday morning (mom was coming over and i didnt want to hear about my messy garage) her hubby picked up the washer and dryer for me and brought them to the house. David killed a cottonmouth in the yard yesterday. it was a young snake so if it had got my weenie dog-she would have died. they are so toxic when they are babies! willow was barking at something and i went over to look and sur enough it was about maybe a foot long. small snake but ewwww just the same.. sunning itself in the driveway. I was sitting stitching on friday night with my sweet tea and the television...i looked up and this is what i saw....
Tigger was enjoying my sweet tea. damn crazy cat. had her whole head stuck in the glass!! oh well at least ONE of us enjoyed MY drink!!!! HOpe everyone has a great week!


Meari said...

LOL... Funny pic of Tigger! Glad you had a good weekend. :)

glenda said...

Sounds like you had a pretty good weekend. Cats just crack me up.