Sunday, June 6, 2010

a giveaway and an update!

Barb at bejeweled quilts is having a giveaway for an accuquilt go! so go over to her blog. sign up for a chance to win!!!

Another month passed! school is out. Heather is now a high schooler in the 9th grade and kyle passed up to 7th grade. Heather is spending most of her summer doing basketball and toward the end volleyball for a week. it never ends!! Mom got a pool so the kids spend alot of time over there "Helping Nana"....yeh...right....helping nana play in the pool. I am working on days for two weeks in social services driving the van taking people to dr. appointments. its a break from the night shift. but ohhh was that first day hard. my body is so used to sleeping in the day and working at was hard to get out of bed!!Kyle and i have been making tons of ATCs so if anyone would like to have one of our cards...let me know.. i would love to trade! just leave me a message!! not much else is going on. next time ill have pictures to post (I forgot to bring them with me) Heather's softball and kyles school pictures. as well as the things ive finished since my last post! ta til then mel!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Thanks for the shout out!! Good luck to you and Nanbon!